
Take Control Of Your Mind & Lead Your Life The best thing you can give yourself and your loved ones is a dose of positivism. Are you bothered by your memories? Everyone has an unpleasant experience at some point in their lives. Simply recall happy recollections from your past. When your mind wanders back to bad recollections from the past, a never-ending stream of negative ideas emerges. When discussing your past with others, strive to only bring up happy memories to encourage positive memories. If you do this exercise over and over again, you will forget about those unpleasant memories. We have a tendency to forget about the folks we don't communicate with. Our brain is capable of remembering what we want and forgetting what we don't. We move forward in our lives with the burden of our past, and as a result, we become exhausted rapidly. And that exhaustion is psychological (mental exhaustion). Do not prolong your suffering. Immediately throw the luggage of